- Height: 19.05mm (Max)
- Footprint: 20.57mm x 12.19 mm (Max)
- Frequency Range: 20kHz to over 300kHz
- Meets Medical Safety Isolation Requirements
- Full Selection of Turns Ratios
- Available in UL Class F (155°C) or Economical Class B (130°C) Versions
Signal Xfmr Across Isolation Barrier
Hi-Powered DC/DC Converters
Offline AC/DC Converters
- Isolated Gate Drivers
- AC/DC & DC/DC Converters
STANDARD VERSION: Electrical Specifications @ 25°C - Operating Temperature Range1: -40°C to +155°C
Part Number
Turns Ratio (N1:N2:N3)
Drive Inductance2 (mH,Min)
Leakage Inductance (nH,Max)
ET Product5
Hi Pot (Drive:Gate) (VDC)
A - B
Part Number
Turns Ratio (N1:N2:N3)
Drive Inductance2 (mH,Min)
DCR (Pri:Sec) (mΩ,Max)
Leakage Inductance (nH,Min)
ET Product5
Hi Pot (Drive:Gate) (VDC)
A - B
Part Number
ET Product5
Mechanical Drawing

Recommended PCB Layout


Operating Temp. Range: The combination of ambient temperature and temperature rise.
Drive Inductance: Tested at 10kHz, 0.1 VRMS.
SRF: Values are for reference only.
Flammability Standard: Meets UL 94V-0.
ET Product: The maximum ET is based upon a flux density of 2200 Gauss at 25°C.
ET = EP/2f
Where as, EP = Primary Voltage (V) f = Frequency (Hz) -
Suitable for bipolar applications only.
Pieces/Tray: 120
Trays/Box: 12
Pieces/Box: 1440
Specifications subject to change without prior notice.